ACTIVITY 2 – Experience 6 – Let’s Go Green! – Level A2 – 5° SECUNDARIA

Let's Go Green!

Let’s Go Green!

Activity 2: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle!


Extract two activities that are good for the environment and two that are bad for the environment from Activity 1 section “Let’s Listen and Read!”

  • Good for the environment
  • Bad for the environment


Activity 2: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle!  LEAD IN: Extract two activities that are good for the environment and two that are bad for the environment from Activity 1 section “Let’s Listen and Read!” Good for the environment Bad for the environment




Listen to the interview and check ( ) TRUE, FALSE or NO INFORMATION.

  • 1. Lauren has an eco-friendly routine.
  • 2. All her trash from seven years is in a little glass container.
  • 3. She sometimes buys plastic containers.
  • 4. Lauren never buys packaged food.
  • 5. She gives her old clothes to her young sister.
  • 6. Sometimes Lauren transforms her organic garbage into fertilizer.
  • 7. She has a lot of plants in her house.


LET’S PRACTISE!  LISTENING COMPREHENSION PRACTISE-EXERCISE 1  Listen to the interview and check ( ) TRUE, FALSE or NO INFORMATION. 1. Lauren has an eco-friendly routine. 2. All her trash from seven years is in a little glass container. 3. She sometimes buys plastic containers. 4. Lauren never buys packaged food. 5. She gives her old clothes to her young sister. 6. Sometimes Lauren transforms her organic garbage into fertilizer. 7. She has a lot of plants in her house.


Complete the sentences about yourself with an adverb of frequency.

  • 1. I _______________ buy bottled water.
  • 2. I _______________ sort my garbage.
  • 3. I _______________ fix and reuse my old clothes.
  • 4. I _______________ use recyclable containers.
  • 5. I _______________ buy things in plastic bags.

Averbs of frequency

  • always
  • usually
  • sometimes
  • never


LET’S PRACTISE!  LISTENING COMPREHENSION PRACTISE-EXERCISE 2 Complete the sentences about yourself with an adverb of frequency.  1. I _______________ buy bottled water. 2. I _______________ sort my garbage. 3. I _______________ fix and reuse my old clothes. 4. I _______________ use recyclable containers. 5. I _______________ buy things in plastic bags. Averbs of frequency always usually sometimes never


Write sentences about your family members. Use the activities from the box and adverbs of frequency and but.


  • fix her/his clothes.
  • take a recycled bag to the market
  • buy food in plastic containers
  • reuse plastic containers
  • donate her/his old clothes.
  • throw away the garbage.

Example: My mom always fixes her clothes , but my dad never does. 1. My _______________________, but my_________________ does. 2. My _______________________, but my_________________ does. 3. My ______________________, but my_________________ does.


LET’S PRACTISE!  LISTENING COMPREHENSION PRACTISE-EXERCISE 3 Write sentences about your family members. Use the activities from the box and adverbs of frequency and but. Activity fix her/his clothes. take a recycled bag to the market buy food in plastic containers reuse plastic containers donate her/his old clothes. throw away the garbage. Example: My mom always fixes her clothes , but my dad never does. 1. My _______________________, but my_________________ does. 2. My _______________________, but my_________________ does. 3. My ______________________, but my_________________ does.


Complete the text with the correct connector.

and – but I try to have an eco-friendly routine, (1) it’s not always easy. I take my own bags to the market, (2) some products are already in plastic containers. I try to fix my old shirts (3) pants, (4) sometimes they are too old. It can be hard to develop new habits. However, we can make an effort. You can buy packaged food, (5) try to recycle the container. You can also cut up your old shirts (6) transform them into bags or cleaning cloths.


LET’S PRACTISE!  PRACTISE-EXERCISE 4 Complete the text with the correct connector.  and – but I try to have an eco-friendly routine, (1) it’s not always easy. I take my own bags to the market, (2) some products are already in plastic containers. I try to fix my old shirts (3) pants, (4) sometimes they are too old. It can be hard to develop new habits. However, we can make an effort. You can buy packaged food, (5) try to recycle the container. You can also cut up your old shirts (6) transform them into bags or cleaning cloths.


Completa la oración:

Los adverbios de frecuencia, normalmente van del verbo principal de una oración.

A. Delante B. Detrás

Ordena los adverbios de frecuencia, de más a menos frecuente:

never – sometimes – usually – always 100% 75% 50% 25% 0%


¡NOTEMOS ALGO!  Completa la oración: Los adverbios de frecuencia, normalmente van del verbo principal de una oración. A. Delante B. Detrás Ordena los adverbios de frecuencia, de más a menos frecuente: never – sometimes – usually – always 100% 75% 50% 25% 0%


Sigue revisando lo que puedes hacer con el inglés según estándares internacionales. Aquí algunas preguntas más. ¿Los puedes hacer?

  • 1. ¿Puedo identificar información específica en una conversación corta, simple y pausada que escucho en inglés? SÍ – NO
  • 2. ¿Puedo escribir oraciones simples en inglés sobre las acciones que otra persona realiza? SÍ – NO
This is the end of Activity 2. Bye- bye!  Continue with Activity 3. 

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ACTIVITY 3 – Experience 6 – Let's Go Green! – Level A2 – 5° SECUNDARIA

Dom Ago 29 , 2021
Let’s Go Green! Activity 3: Do it yourself! LEAD IN: Make the negative habits into habits that positively impact the environment. Example: My dad never takes a recycled bag to the market. 1. My mom always buys packaged food at the supermarket. 2. My brother usually throws away his old […]
Let's Go Green!