Let’s Manage Solid Waste*

Activity 2
Do it yourself – D.I.Y.


Create an Illustrated Set of Instructions

La semana pasada, identificamos y clasificamos materiales que podemos reciclar y pensamos en objetos que podríamos crear con estos materiales. ¡Ahora Manos a la obra! Vamos a crear un objeto con la lista de materiales que elaboraste la semana pasada y un instructivo ilustrado. Si muchos hacemos esto, estaremos contribuyendo con el mejor manejo de los residuos sólidos.

Para el desafío de esta semana podrás escoger entre dos opciones:

Option A: Write step by step instructions that explain how to make coasters from old newspapers. Match each step with the pictures below

Option B: Write step by step instructions that explain how to make a new object from recycled material that you find in your house. Illustrate each step.

Option A: Write step by step instructions that explain how to make coasters from old newspapers. Match each step with the picture below.

Step 1: Look at the pictures that show how to make coasters from newspapers:

Paso 1: Mira las imágenes que muestran cómo hacer posavasos con periódicos:

Option A: Write step by step instructions that explain how to make coasters from old newspapers. Match each step with the picture below. Step 1: Look at the pictures that show how to make coasters from newspapers:
Step 2: Write instructions for each picture. Use the verbs from the box. Follow the example.
Step 3: Add sequence words to your instructions. Use the sequence words from the box.

Step 2: Write instructions for each picture. Use the verbs from the box. Follow the example.

Paso 2: Escribe instrucciones para cada imagen. Usa los verbos del cuadro. Sigue el ejemplo.

Useful verbs:
roll – glue – paint – cut


Option A: Write step by step instructions that explain how to make coasters from old newspapers. Match each step with the picture below. Step 1: Look at the pictures that show how to make coasters from newspapers:

Step 3: Add sequence words to your instructions. Use the sequence words from the box.

Paso 3: Agregue palabras de secuencia a sus instrucciones. Utilice la secuencia de palabras del cuadro.

Sequence words:
next – first – then – finally – after that

Option A: Write step by step instructions that explain how to make coasters from old newspapers. Match each step with the picture below. Step 1: Look at the pictures that show how to make coasters from newspapers:

Option B: Write a set of instructions to make a new object with recycled materials that you find in your house. Choose one of the objects from your list from last week!


EJEMPLO CON EL PROYECTO: Alcancía de cerdito con botella reciclada

Step 1: Make the object with recycled materials and take pictures of the process.

Paso 1: Haz el objeto con materiales reciclados y toma fotografías del proceso.


Option B: Write a set of instructions to make a new object with recycled materials that you find in your house. Choose one of the objects from your list from last week! Step 1: Make the object with recycled materials and take pictures of the process. Step 2: Write the instructions for each picture of the process. You can check the glossary for the verbs you might need to use. Step 3: Add sequence words to your instructions.

Step 2: Write the instructions for each picture of the process. You can check the glossary for the verbs you might need to use.

Paso 2: Escribe las instrucciones para cada imagen del proceso. Puede consultar el glosario para ver los verbos que podría necesitar.


Option B: Write a set of instructions to make a new object with recycled materials that you find in your house. Choose one of the objects from your list from last week! Step 1: Make the object with recycled materials and take pictures of the process. Step 2: Write the instructions for each picture of the process. You can check the glossary for the verbs you might need to use. Step 3: Add sequence words to your instructions.

Step 3: Add sequence words to your instructions.

Paso 3: Agregue palabras de secuencia a sus instrucciones.

Sequence words:
next – first – then – finally – after that


Option B: Write a set of instructions to make a new object with recycled materials that you find in your house. Choose one of the objects from your list from last week! Step 1: Make the object with recycled materials and take pictures of the process. Step 2: Write the instructions for each picture of the process. You can check the glossary for the verbs you might need to use. Step 3: Add sequence words to your instructions.

Mientras elaboras tu instructivo es importante que tomes en cuenta estas características:


Mientras elaboras tu instructivo es importante que tomes en cuenta estas características: Características o criterios Sí No 1. El instructivo contiene la secuencia completa a seguir para elaborar un nuevo objeto con materiales reciclados que sea útil o decorativo. 2. El instructivo contiene imágenes que permiten comprender cada paso a seguir. 3. Las instrucciones incluyen frases de secuencia o sequence words que permiten comprender el orden correcto para crear un nuevo objeto con materiales reciclados.



Texto de la imagen:

Luego de haber realizados las actividades 1 y 2 puedo concluir lo siguiente:

  1. Utilizamos el _______ (1) para dar instrucciones o decirle a alguien
    cómo hacer algo.
  2. Para dar claridad sobre el orden de los pasos en un proceso escribimos
    _____________ (2) antes del _______________ (3)
    normalmente separados por una coma.
    Clasifica las siguientes palabras o frases:
    frases de secuencia – imperativo
    then – glue – next – finally – paint – roll – after that – cut
    Imperativo Frases de secuencia

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Lun Dic 7 , 2020
Let’s Manage Solid Waste* Activity 2 Do it yourself – D.I.Y. LET’S CREATE! Create an Illustrated Set of Instructions La semana pasada, identificamos y clasificamos materiales que podemos reciclar y pensamos en objetos que podríamos crear con estos materiales. ¡Ahora Manos a la obra! Vamos a crear un objeto con […]