Let’s help endangered animals*

Do it yourself – D.I.Y


Brochure about endangered animals

El centro de rescate de animales salvajes o silvestres, donde eres voluntario, necesita tu ayuda para seguir sensibilizando sobre la existencia de animales en peligro de extinción o que son víctimas de maltrato o tráfico ilegal. Nadie ama lo que no conoce. Como voluntario te has ofrecido a describir dos animales para la página web del centro de rescate y así seguir sensibilizando sobre estos animales.

Elabora un brochure para la página web del centro de rescate para el que eres voluntaria/o que contenga las descripciones de dos animales. Para realizar tu desafío puedes escoger entre dos opciones:

Option A: Fact sheets about Jaguars and Felipe, the dolphin

Option B: Fact sheets about two endangered animals from your region



Option A: Create a brochure about jaguars and Felipe, the dolphin. Step 1: Remember the information about animals you learned about last week. You can check your portfolio. Step 2: Complete the chart with the animals’ body parts, abilities and other characteristics. Follow the examples: Step 3: Write sentences about the animals’ body parts, abilities and other characteristics. Follow the examples: Step 4: Create your brochure and add pictures and a name for the rescue centre. Be creative! Option B: Create a brochure about two endangered animals from your region. You decide! Step 1: Choose two of the animals you learned about last week. Step 2: Complete the chart with the animals’ body parts, abilities and other characteristics. Step 3: Write sentences about the animals’ body parts, abilities and other characteristics. Step 4: Create your brochure and add pictures and a name for the rescue centre. Be creative!
Option A: Create a brochure about jaguars and Felipe, the dolphin. Step 1: Remember the information about animals you learned about last week. You can check your portfolio. Step 2: Complete the chart with the animals’ body parts, abilities and other characteristics. Follow the examples: Step 3: Write sentences about the animals’ body parts, abilities and other characteristics. Follow the examples: Step 4: Create your brochure and add pictures and a name for the rescue centre. Be creative! Option B: Create a brochure about two endangered animals from your region. You decide! Step 1: Choose two of the animals you learned about last week. Step 2: Complete the chart with the animals’ body parts, abilities and other characteristics. Step 3: Write sentences about the animals’ body parts, abilities and other characteristics. Step 4: Create your brochure and add pictures and a name for the rescue centre. Be creative!

Step 4: Create your brochure and add pictures and a name for the rescue centre. Be creative!


Option A: Create a brochure about jaguars and Felipe, the dolphin. Step 1: Remember the information about animals you learned about last week. You can check your portfolio. Step 2: Complete the chart with the animals’ body parts, abilities and other characteristics. Follow the examples: Step 3: Write sentences about the animals’ body parts, abilities and other characteristics. Follow the examples: Step 4: Create your brochure and add pictures and a name for the rescue centre. Be creative! Option B: Create a brochure about two endangered animals from your region. You decide! Step 1: Choose two of the animals you learned about last week. Step 2: Complete the chart with the animals’ body parts, abilities and other characteristics. Step 3: Write sentences about the animals’ body parts, abilities and other characteristics. Step 4: Create your brochure and add pictures and a name for the rescue centre. Be creative!

Mientras elaboras tu folleto (brochure) es importante que tomes en cuenta estas características:


Mientras elaboras tu folleto (brochure) es importante que tomes en cuenta estas características:



Para indicar habilidades uso el verbo _. a. is b. do c. can La acción o el verbo después de can a. lleva una “s” al final b. va en su forma original c. solo cambia con he, she o it. El cuadro completo sería el siguiente: Can + action verb Present Tense: To swim Present Tense: To walk I can swim You can swim. He can _ She can swim. It can swim. We swim. They can swim. I  You swim. He swims. She swims. It  We swim. They swim. I walk You  He walks. She  It walks. We walk. They walk.

Texto de las imágenes:

Option A: Create a brochure about jaguars and Felipe, the dolphin.
Step 1: Remember the information about animals you learned about last week. You can check your portfolio.
Step 2: Complete the chart with the animals’ body parts, abilities and other characteristics. Follow the examples:
Step 3: Write sentences about the animals’ body parts, abilities and other characteristics. Follow the examples:
Step 4: Create your brochure and add pictures and a name for the rescue centre. Be creative!
Option B: Create a brochure about two endangered animals from your region. You decide!
Step 1: Choose two of the animals you learned about last week.
Step 2: Complete the chart with the animals’ body parts, abilities and other characteristics.
Step 3: Write sentences about the animals’ body parts, abilities and other characteristics.
Step 4: Create your brochure and add pictures and a name for the rescue centre. Be creative!

Luego de haber realizado las actividades 1 y 2 puedo concluir que:

Para indicar habilidades uso el verbo _. a. is b. do c. can La acción o el verbo después de can a. lleva una “s” al final b. va en su forma original c. solo cambia con he, she o it. El cuadro completo sería el siguiente: Can + action verb Present Tense: To swim Present Tense: To walk I can swim You can swim. He can _ She can swim. It can swim. We swim. They can swim. I You swim. He swims. She swims. It We swim. They swim. I walk You He walks. She It walks. We walk. They walk.

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Mar Oct 27 , 2020
Let’s help endangered animals* Do it yourself – D.I.Y LET’S CREATE! Brochure about endangered animals El centro de rescate de animales salvajes o silvestres, donde eres voluntario, necesita tu ayuda para seguir sensibilizando sobre la existencia de animales en peligro de extinción o que son víctimas de maltrato o tráfico […]