Let’s help endangered animals*

Activity 2 : Do it yourself – D.I.Y


Endangered animals: fact sheet

Los adolescentes realizan diferentes actividades en su tiempo libre. Tú has decidido ser un voluntario en un centro de rescate de animales salvajes o silvestres. Una de tus tareas en el centro es crear los carteles que describen a los animales, de tal manera que los visitantes que vienen de distintas partes del Perú y el mundo conozcan más sobre ellos. Para realizar tu desafío, puedes escoger dos opciones:

Fact sheets about Jaguars and Felipe, the dolphi

Fact sheets about two endangered animals from your region


Option A: Fact sheets about jaguars and Felipe, the dolphin. Step 1: Look at the animals in the photos: Step 2: Choose the correct characteristics for the jaguars and for “Felipe the dolphin” from the boxes. Step 3: Use “have” and “has” to make sentences about jaguars and Felipe, the dolphin. Use the words from Step 2. Step 4: Write the animals fact sheets including a picture of them. Option B: Fact sheets about two endangered animals from your region. Step 1: Research about two endangered animals from your region. Step 2: Organise the characteristics of each animal in these graphic organisers. Step 3: Draw the animals and label the parts of their bodies. Use “have” or “has”. Step 4: Write the animals fact sheets including the pictures. For option A or B, you can use the suggested template: Suggested template:
Option A: Fact sheets about jaguars and Felipe, the dolphin. Step 1: Look at the animals in the photos: Step 2: Choose the correct characteristics for the jaguars and for “Felipe the dolphin” from the boxes. Step 3: Use “have” and “has” to make sentences about jaguars and Felipe, the dolphin. Use the words from Step 2. Step 4: Write the animals fact sheets including a picture of them. Option B: Fact sheets about two endangered animals from your region. Step 1: Research about two endangered animals from your region. Step 2: Organise the characteristics of each animal in these graphic organisers. Step 3: Draw the animals and label the parts of their bodies. Use “have” or “has”. Step 4: Write the animals fact sheets including the pictures. For option A or B, you can use the suggested template: Suggested template:


Option A: Fact sheets about jaguars and Felipe, the dolphin. Step 1: Look at the animals in the photos: Step 2: Choose the correct characteristics for the jaguars and for “Felipe the dolphin” from the boxes. Step 3: Use “have” and “has” to make sentences about jaguars and Felipe, the dolphin. Use the words from Step 2. Step 4: Write the animals fact sheets including a picture of them. Option B: Fact sheets about two endangered animals from your region. Step 1: Research about two endangered animals from your region. Step 2: Organise the characteristics of each animal in these graphic organisers. Step 3: Draw the animals and label the parts of their bodies. Use “have” or “has”. Step 4: Write the animals fact sheets including the pictures. For option A or B, you can use the suggested template: Suggested template:
Option A: Fact sheets about jaguars and Felipe, the dolphin. Step 1: Look at the animals in the photos: Step 2: Choose the correct characteristics for the jaguars and for “Felipe the dolphin” from the boxes. Step 3: Use “have” and “has” to make sentences about jaguars and Felipe, the dolphin. Use the words from Step 2. Step 4: Write the animals fact sheets including a picture of them. Option B: Fact sheets about two endangered animals from your region. Step 1: Research about two endangered animals from your region. Step 2: Organise the characteristics of each animal in these graphic organisers. Step 3: Draw the animals and label the parts of their bodies. Use “have” or “has”. Step 4: Write the animals fact sheets including the pictures. For option A or B, you can use the suggested template: Suggested template:

Foroption A or B, you can use the suggested template:
Suggested template:


Option A: Fact sheets about jaguars and Felipe, the dolphin. Step 1: Look at the animals in the photos: Step 2: Choose the correct characteristics for the jaguars and for “Felipe the dolphin” from the boxes. Step 3: Use “have” and “has” to make sentences about jaguars and Felipe, the dolphin. Use the words from Step 2. Step 4: Write the animals fact sheets including a picture of them. Option B: Fact sheets about two endangered animals from your region. Step 1: Research about two endangered animals from your region. Step 2: Organise the characteristics of each animal in these graphic organisers. Step 3: Draw the animals and label the parts of their bodies. Use “have” or “has”. Step 4: Write the animals fact sheets including the pictures. For option A or B, you can use the suggested template: Suggested template:

Mientras elaboras tu cartel es importante que tomes en cuenta estas características:

Mientras elaboras tu cartel es importante que tomes en cuenta estas características:


¡NOTEMOS ALGO! Luego de realizar las Actividades 1 y 2, puedo concluir que el verbo “have” o “has” se usa de la siguiente manera: A. En los carteles sobre el puma o el mono, utilizo los verbos “have” y “has” para describir sus características físicas. Por ejemplo: I. Spider monkeys __________ strong arms. II. Naga, the puma ______________ a very strong tail. B. Puedo traducir el verbo _____________ como “tienen” y el verbo _____________ como “tiene”. C. El orden correcto de la siguiente oración sería:


Option A: Fact sheets about jaguars and Felipe, the dolphin.
Step 1: Look at the animals in the photos:
Step 2: Choose the correct characteristics for the jaguars and for “Felipe the dolphin” from the boxes.
Step 3: Use “have” and “has” to make sentences about jaguars and Felipe, the dolphin. Use the words from Step 2.
Step 4: Write the animals fact sheets including a picture of them.
Option B: Fact sheets about two endangered animals from your region.
Step 1: Research about two endangered animals from your region.
Step 2: Organise the characteristics of each animal in these graphic organisers.
Step 3: Draw the animals and label the parts of their bodies. Use “have” or “has”.
Step 4: Write the animals fact sheets including the pictures.
For option A or B, you can use the suggested template:
Suggested template:

Luego de realizar las Actividades 1 y 2, puedo concluir que el verbo “have” o “has” se usa de la siguiente manera:
A. En los carteles sobre el puma o el mono, utilizo los verbos “have” y “has” para describir sus características físicas. Por ejemplo:
I. Spider monkeys _ strong arms.
II. Naga, the puma _____
a very strong tail. B. Puedo traducir el verbo _ como “tienen” y el verbo _
como “tiene”.
C. El orden correcto de la siguiente oración sería:

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Mar Oct 20 , 2020
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