ACTIVITY 3- Do it yourself! – Level A2 – 5° de SECUNDARIA

ACTIVITY 1- Let's Create Local and Global Ads – Level A2 - 5° de SECUNDARIA

Let’s Create Local and Global Ads


Your challenge: The Global Social Media Awards will give a prize to the most creative ads around the world in the context of the pandemic. Present an ad to the awards. The ad should help advertise a family, friend or acquaintance business.
Do Activities 1 and 2. They will help you meet your challenge.

Activity 3: Do it yourself!


A home business is small and operates from the business owner’s home office. Also, home businesses usually have a very small number of employees, normally the business owner’s family members, in which case it is also a family business.

Which ad follows the tips? Choose A, B or Both.



Now that you finished Activities 1 and 2, you are ready to do your challenge.
Your challenge: The Global Social Media Awards will give a prize to the most creative ads around the world
in the context of the pandemic. Present an ad to the awards. The ad should help advertise a family, friend or acquaintance business.
You have 2 opctions: Select A or B.

Option A: Look around and find a person (family, friend, school classmate, neighbor) that has a business that may need an ad.

Step 1:

Collect information about the product or service. Complete the table:


Step 2:

Create the content of the ad:

  1. Create a logo.
  2. Create a catchy headline for the ad.


Step 3:

Make decisions.

Decide what relevant information must be in the ad (price? Special offer? Address? Brief description? Contact number? Payment method?)

Step 4:

Design your ad. Be creative!


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ACTIVIDAD 3 - Prototipamos y evaluamos nuestra idea creativa - 5° de SECUNDARIA

Mar May 4 , 2021
Prototipamos y evaluamos nuestra idea creativa ¡Hola! Hemos llegado a la última actividad de la experiencia de aprendizaje, y con esta actividad culminaremos las fases “Prototipar” y “Evaluar” de la metodología DT. En la actividad anterior, logramos generar ideas creativas que brindaban alternativas de solución al problema o necesidad identificada. […]
Proponemos prototipos que promueven el trabajo en las familias, aprovechando las potencialidades de nuestra localidad